The recent FDA approval of Abbott’s Absorb GT1 Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold (BVS) System is designed with a poly(L-lactide) polymer to fully dissolve in the patient’s body over about three years. Products like this underscore the growing popularity of resorbable polymers in medical devices.
What potential does this class of material hold for new medical devices and what do manufacturers need to know about designing with and molding it?
We teamed up with MD+DI magazine for a Q&A to discuss the challenges, equipment, and new advances in molding resorbable polymers for medical devices.
Click for full article where we explore questions like:
What are the most common types of resorbable polymer used in medical devices?
What are the main challenges in resorbable polymer molding?
What kind of specialized tools and equipment are needed in resorbable molding?
At what stage does the molder get involved with the resorbable product?