Polypropylene Portfolio
Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic material that has proven to be a great material choice for many medical micromolding applications. It is inert, has great flow, is far less expensive to purchase and process than materials like PEEK, and can be a viable material consideration if in the early stages of a project.

Overmolded Electrodes with Leads
Micro Material: This micro medical device is overmolded with Polypropylene (PP). Micro Features: The six (6) tiny electrodes with leads attached were manually hand-loaded into the tool to create this part. The diameter of each of the electrodes is 400 microns (0.4mm)...
Drug Delivery Straw
Materials: This drug delivery device is made from Polypropylene (PP). Description: Pictured above the thin-walled cannula, this thin-walled micromolded design has a .005″ long distance wall. Highly capable tooling and molding equipment and techniques are...
Drug Delivery Cannula
Materials: This drug delivery device is made from Polypropylene. Description: This thin-walled micromolded cannula design includes walls as thin as .0025″. Do you have similar features on your new micro medical device? Talk to MTD. Medical micro...
Micro Nozzle Component
Micro Material: The device is molded of Polypropylene (PP), a thermoplastic material. Micro Features: The micro nozzle component key feature is a 60 micron diameter (0.0024″), thin walled, exit hole with micron tolerances Description: Micromolded Pipette Tip...