The 6 Sciences of Micro Molding white paper
White Paper:

Material Behavior at the Micro Scale:

The Core of Medical Device Innovation

Material behavior on the micro level is very different than what traditional (macro-level) plastics engineering has taught us. It surprises us—and energizes us—on a regular basis. In this white paper, learn about polymer mechanics and how it might impact material selection for your micro medical device.

Topics Include:
  • How does micro injection molding differ from conventional (macro) molding?
  • What should a medical OEM know about shear rates and the Second Newtonian Plateau?
  • What are new advancements in micro medical materials?
  • What should you consider when selecting a material for your micro medical device?

13 pages

After you reach the shear thinning threshold, you are really working with a non-Newtonian fluid that acts like a Newtonian fluid. There is a whole new set of rules you need to play by when it comes to plastic fluid flow.

Patrick Haney

R&D Engineer

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