Aug 2, 2017 | Micro Insights
The July issue of Medical Design & Outsourcing focused on contract manufacturing and addressed the trend of OEM and contract manufacturer consolidation. With all the of the mergers and acquisitions taking place in the medical manufacturing space, you can’t...
Jul 6, 2017 | Micro Insights
How are the main processes and strategies different for micro molds vs. macro molds? 1. Design Smaller runners, smaller gates, and because of the tiny details in the designs, most of the ejector pins are very small (sometimes as small as 0.010 inch). There also are...
Jun 7, 2017 | Micro Insights
Nothing is more frustrating for micro part designers than to spend countless hours on a new drawing, only to get to the manufacturing phase and find out they need to make significant revisions or compromises.Here are some recommendations from MTD’s tooling department...
May 18, 2017 | Micro Insights
For micro medical components, there is a wide variety of materials to choose from. Most micromolding materials fall into two categories: thermoplastics and bioabsorbables. Thermoplastics are polymers that become pliable and moldable above a specific temperature and...
Apr 17, 2017 | Micro Insights
Datum Feature Symbol Placement Our engineering teams have reviewed hundreds of Micro Part Designs over the years. And one mistake that is commonly seen in micro part drawings is the placement of the datum feature symbol. When in line with a dimension line, like datum...
Feb 1, 2017 | Micro Insights
Historically, 20% of new projects at MTD each year have been “rescues” – failed attempts by others. MTD’s success rate? 100%. In 2016, the annual customer survey results indicated that this rescue percentage increased to 30%, with about 25% of...